Thursday, April 22, 2010

This thing called Forgiveness?

I was informed that I hadn't written an entry in about a week.  I see that my wonderful followers are actually following me so I cannot disappoint! #shoutout to Ms. Skipper, ever vigilant!

So I'm hearing about this thing called FORGIVENESS... I'm being told that it clears your minds and sets you free.
I'm thinking "Why allow those people to think things are cool? So they can feel better about themselves?"
They say "It's not about them, it's about you. It's about establishing your own boundaries and creating your own peace."
I'm thinking "I'm all for peace of mind and all, but I dont see how me forgiving them helps me.  They should feel bad, guilty even, about being an a$$hole."
They say "Again, it's not about them. And you cannot determine how another person feels."
I make a face  :-(
They say "While you sitting here worried about what they are thinking and doing, you aren't focused on how you think and how you feel.  Worry about yourself.  Change that, stop worrying and live your life."
I started my bitter rebuttal...
But then they say "Let it go. You do not have to be their best friend. You don't have to speak or see that person anymore unless you want to. You decide.  You choose. Don't give one person so much power over you."
I'm listening...
They say "I know your heart, you don't need to carry those great big loads of hurt and pain.  Put the bags down and don't ever pick them back up.  You don't want to be 40yrs and still talking about $hit from your teens and 20s.  I'm sure you would rather grow from those situations rather than muddle around in them."
and because I'm listening, I hear them say...
"Haven't you ever done something you wish you hadn't done? Have you ever hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally? Wouldn't you want to be forgiven?"

Okay... so I'll call it an emotional experiment.  My hypothesis: If I forgive those that hurt me and set firm boundaries for myself, then I should feel better and worry less. I guess it's worth a try, right?

I've been learning to live without you now
But I miss you sometimes
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again
I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore
- Heart of the Matter by India.Arie

Be well....

"Every single time I wash my hands of him, I turn around and he is holding the towel"  -- Ms. Skipper

Monday, April 12, 2010

Project Clean Stream 2010

The MSU Scuba Club along with the Charm City Scuba Club participated in the clean up of the Herring Run on April 10, 2010. We helped the local community participate in cleaning up the local portion of the river. Trash in the stream makes it way in to the Chesapeake Bay and harms the animals that use the waterway.

We worked for about 3-4 hours picking up everything from old bottles and plastic bags to bicycles and mattresses. You would be appalled by the reckless way people discard unwanted items. Project Clean Stream was introduced and organized by Ashley Traut.
I invited my friend, colleague, sister in engineering Annie (in the grey hoodie) to volunteer with me this day. She’s an awesome person and I wanted to expose her to some of the individuals who not only do great work at Morgan State Univ, but do great work within the surrounding community.

It was a beautiful day to be out in sun and I’m glad I had an opportunity to help the environment by working alongside my friends and mentor, Mr Jon Parker.

Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find. ~Quoted in Time

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Can I get a window seat?

So this morning, I had a little hot topic running through my head.
Erykah Badu's new single "Window Seat". I am a huge Badu fan and I enjoy listening to this song. I've read all of the men commenting on how hot the video is and that E.B is finally back. (Rolling my eyes) Apart from Ms. Badu revealing herself and then being assassinated... The video was alright. But then again I LOVE Erykah and her out of the box way of performing just makes sense to me. So I guess I'm a bit bias. I wonder if those same men paid any attention to the lyrics of the song... Lol anyhow my bff Ms. Skipper didn't appreciate the JFK-esque assassination or the nudity. Were you offended? What do you think of the vid?
>>> Just in <<< I'm hearing that the city of Dallas is considering pressing charges against Ms. Badu for indecent exposure. I suppose she can claim that it's a work of art protected by the first amendment. And of course, I'm on her side...


"Blame it on my head and not my heart..."