Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

"They use words like HONOR, CODE, LOYALTY. They use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. They have neither the time nor the inclination to explain themselves to men who rise and sleep under the blanket of the very freedom that they provide, and then questions the manner in which they provide ...it! They would rather you just said "Thank you," and went on your way..."  --paraphrase of Jack Nicholson as Col. Nathan R. Jessep in A Few Good Men

An email from Mr. Yinka George: "I think veterans are the closest things we have to warriors.  They dodge bullets, fly aircrafts, captain ships,...etc for very little money and people demonize them instead of the people that sent them to war. They do the things us civilians can't do, go sometimes years without physically seeing their family.  I just think they are remarkable people :-) "

As I read Mr. George's email, all I was a flash of all the men and women in the Armed Forces dressed up as the cast from 300.  My mind works in weird ways.  Huge and humble thank you to the supreme beings that sacrifice themselves to protect our daily freedom. Happy Veterans Day! {yes, i'm late but shouldn't we be thanking them everyday?}

Be Well,
Mickel  :-)

"As we express our gratutude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them" -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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